Frequently Asked Questions


I have never coded before, where can I start?

I suggest starting with my Code! Programming with p5.js series.

I have a coding question. / Can you help me with this problem?

Please consider asking on the The Coding Train's Discord, which has a number of help channels. You can also checkout The Processing Foundation's Forum which is a great place to ask about processing and p5.js. And of course Stack Overflow is great for obscure topics because the user base is so big.

I can't find the source code for this video.

Please check the If you can't find it there open an issue on the website's GitHub repository.

Didn’t you do this already in a live stream?

Yes, apologies. I release edited versions of the same content that I do in the live streams. It's a little bit redundant but it allows people to consume the content in different ways based on their preferences.


What coding language is this?

It's likely that I'm either using Processing or p5.js. Processing is a library and environment built on top of the Java programming language. p5.js is a JavaScript library that focuses on creative coding and inclusively it is also maintained by the Processing Foundation.

What code editor do you use?

Most commonly I use the p5.js Web Editor or Visual Studio Code. You can learn more about it in my workflow series, which includes a video about vs code.

Where can I download the Coding Train wallpapers?

I've created a shared google drive with wallpapers and character designs. You can find the wallpapers in the wallpaper folder in the drive.