Latest Videos
- #168
The Mandelbulb
09 Mar 2022It’s the Mandelbulb! What happens when you take the original fractal (The Mandelbrot Set) and extend it into 3D space? And how do you visualize it in Processing (Java) as a point cloud?
- #167
The Prime (Ulam) Spiral
20 Feb 2022Why do prime numbers show up as diagonals in a spiral? In this video, I create a visualization in JavaScript (p5.js) of the Ulam Spiral (aka Prime Spiral) named for Polish Mathematician Stanislav Ulan.
- #166
Image to Ascii
11 Feb 2022Let’s make ASCII art in p5.js together! In this video, I demonstrate a variety of techniques for translating the pixels of an image into ASCII characters and finish with rendering video as texts in a DOM element.
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